
Stuka Song. The Junkers Ju 87, better known as the Stuka (from "Sturzkampfflugzeug" – dive bomber), is one of the most recognisable aircrafts of World War II, the infamous symbol of the German Air Force and Blitzkrieg, and an excellent example of a pathological need for a total, both mental and physical destruction of the opponent, and complete domination. What makes the Stuka different from other weapons is a small – yet hellish addition, and its trademark: the frightening sirens, for psychological destruction of the enemy. Although it was intimidating enough by its appearance itself – the diving and attacking from close range, followed by the noise of the detonation, destruction and demolition – the Stuka was also equipped with two sirens that emitted a horrifying scream during the dive, and thus additionally sowed fear and panic among the enemy soldiers, as well as among thousands of innocent civilians: old people, women and children. What is particularly interesting is that the sirens were given a biblical, Jewish name: "Trumpets of Jericho" – whose sound, according to tradition, collapsed the walls of Jericho, enabling the victory of the Jews; a highly unusual choice of name, with which the antisemitic Germany practically compared its campaign and weaponry with the ancient Jewish ones (the sirens were eventually withdrawn, after the enemy got used to them). The Stukas were also the forerunners of the German invasion of Yugoslavia, on 6 April 1941, when they, together with bombers He 111 and Do 17, dropped hundreds of tons of bombs on the capital, Belgrade, killing thousands of civilians. The "Stuka Song" is as cruel as the aircraft itself (see the lyrics), and it was originally written for the 1941 propaganda film "Stukas". The music was composed by one of the most famous film composers of the Third Reich, Herbert Windt (known especially for his music for the Leni Riefenstahl films: "Triumph of the Will", "Olympia" etc.), and the lyrics were written by Geno Ohlischlaeger, film critic and songwriter. In the enclosed sound file, the song is performed by the II Band of the Infantry Regiment "Großdeutschland". The recording was made in Berlin, three months after the bombing of Belgrade.
Text: Ivan Ž.
Composer: Herbert Windt.
Lyricist: Geno Ohlischlaeger.
Performer: II Band of the Infantry Regiment "Großdeutschland" led by Second Lieutenant Guido Grosch, with soldiers' chorus.
Date: 3 July 1941.
Location: Berlin, Germany.
Lyrics: 1) A flock of black birds flies high above the land and sea, and wherever they appear, the enemy before them flees. They fall steeply from the sky, deep towards the ground. They sink their iron claws straight into the foe's heart. 2) When thousand lightnings are flashing, when danger threatens all around, they stick together like iron, comrades for life and death! When they spot the prey, it's doomed every time! Nothing can escape their eyes, of the Stukas, the eagles of steel! 3) They sow death and destruction hovers over the enemy land. Their traces are ruins and shards, and the flaming fire in the sky. Already in all countries, their name is passed from mouth to mouth. They strike and destroy factories, and send ships to the bottom. Refrain: We are the black hussars of the sky, the Stukas, the Stukas, the Stukas, always ready when action calls, the Stukas, the Stukas, the Stukas. We dive from the sky and strike. We do not fear hell and will not rest, till the enemy finally lies on the ground, till England, till England, till England is defeated, the Stukas, the Stukas, the Stukas!
File source: Michael L. (private collection).
NOT ALLOWED: removing source credits from the files – using text without crediting the original author – using files and information for political propaganda and commercial purposes.
Pesma štuka. Junkers Ju 87, poznatiji kao štuka (od "Sturzkampfflugzeug" – obrušavajući bombarder), jedan je od najprepoznatljivijih aviona II svetskog rata, zloglasni simbol nemačkog ratnog vazduhoplovstva i munjevitog rata, i jedan odličan primer patološke potrebe za totalnim, psihičkim i fizičkim razaranjem protivnika, i potpunom dominacijom. Ono po čemu se štuka izdvaja od ostalih oružja jeste jedan mali – ali pakleni dodatak, a njen zaštitni znak: zastrašujuće sirene, za psihološko uništavanje neprijatelja. Iako je sasvim dovoljno zastrašivala samom svojom pojavom – obrušavanjem i napadom iz neposredne blizine, praćenim bukom detonacija, razaranja i rušenja – na štuku su ugrađene i dve sirene koje su pri obrušavanju ispuštale stravičan urlik, čime je dodatno sejala strah i paniku među neprijateljskim vojnicima, kao i među hiljadama nedužnih civila: starcima, ženama i decom. Ono što je posebno zanimljivo je to da su sirene dobile biblijsko, jevrejsko ime: "jerihonske trube" – čiji je zvuk, po predanju, srušio zidine Jerihona, i omogućio pobedu Jevrejima; vrlo neobičan izbor imena, kojim je antisemitska Nemačka svoj pohod i oružje praktično uporedila sa drevnim jevrejskim (sirene su vremenom ukinute, nakon što se neprijatelj navikao na njih). Štuke su bile i predvodnice nemačke invazije na Jugoslaviju, 6. aprila 1941. godine, kada su, zajedno sa bombarderima He 111 i Do 17, izručile stotine tona bombi na glavni grad, Beograd, ubivši hiljade civila. "Pesma štuka" surova je kao i sam avion (vidi reči), a izvorno je napisana za propagandni film "Štuke" iz 1941. godine. Muziku je komponovao jedan od najpoznatijih filmskih kompozitora Trećeg Rajha, Herbert Wint (poznat posebno po muzici za filmove Leni Rifenštal: "Trijumf volje", "Olimpija" itd.), a reči je napisao Geno Olišleger, filmski kritičar i tekstopisac. Na priloženom zvučnom zapisu, pesmu izvodi II orkestar Pešadijskog puka "Velika Nemačka". Snimak je napravljen u Berlinu, tri meseca posle bombardovanja Beograda.
Tekst: Ivan Ž.
Kompozitor: Herbert Wint.
Tekstopisac: Geno Olišleger.
Izvođač: II orkestar Pešadijskog puka "Velika Nemačka" pod upravom potporučnika Gvida Groša, sa vojnim horom.
Datum: 3. jul 1941.
Mesto: Berlin, Nemačka.
Reči: 1) Mnoštvo crnih ptica visoko iznad kopna i mora leti, i gde god se pojave one, neprijatelj pred njima beži. Strmoglavljuju se sa neba prema zemlji duboko. Svoje gvozdene kandže zarivaju protivniku u srce pravo. 2) Kada hiljadu munja seva, kada svuda preti opasnost, gvozdeno čvrsto drže se oni, drugovi za život i smrt! Kada spaze plen, jao njemu svakoga puta! Ništa im promaći ne može, štukama, orlovima od čelika! 3) Oni seju smrt i nad neprijateljskom zemljom propast lebdi. Za njima ostaju ruševine i krhotine, a na nebu vatra plamti. U svim se već zemljama od usta do usta prenosi njihovo ime. Oni napadaju i uništavaju postrojenja, i na dno šalju brodove. Refren: Mi smo crni husari neba, štuke, štuke, štuke, uvek spremni kada zove nas borba, štuke, štuke, štuke. Obrušavamo se sa neba i napadamo. Pakla se ne bojimo i mirovati nećemo, sve dok neprijatelj konačno ne padne, dok Engleska, dok Engleska, dok Engleska pobeđena ne bude, štuke, štuke, štuke!
Izvor fajla: Michael L. (lična zbirka).
NIJE DOZVOLJENO: uklanjanje naziva izvora sa fajlova – korišćenje teksta bez navođenja izvornog autora – korišćenje fajlova i informacija u političko-propagandne i komercijalne svrhe.