03 October 2015

0068 | Photo | 21. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS "Skanderbeg" (albanische Nr. 1)

Operation "Daredevil". Members of the SS Division "Skanderbeg", wearing rags on their heads instead of military caps, pose for a photo at the Čakor Pass. Most Albanian volunteers were no fans of military discipline and proper dressing – which was also testified by their division commander, SS-Oberführer Schmidhuber (a quote from the summary report on the formation and state of the division, October 1944): "With regard to clothing, the instructors often had the same problems [with the Albanians] as they did with the Negroes. Most of the local recruits got shoes on their feet for the first time in their lives. They were very proud of that and kept them on even during the night. On the other hand, whenever they were faced with a longer march, they took the shoes off and hung them over their shoulders. However, if an Albanian starts to flee, he renounces his love of shoes and throws them away so that he can run faster barefoot. Getting used to dressing properly is a major accomplishment in Albania, if it can be done at all."

Text: Ivan Ž. / August Schmidhuber.

Photographer: Ernst A. Zwilling, Air Force War Correspondent Battalion South-East.
Date: July 1944.
Location: Čakor Pass (district of Andrijevica), Yugoslavia.
Original caption: unknown.

File source: "Ligne de Front" 40 (p. 10).

NOT ALLOWED: removing source credits from the files – using text without crediting the original author – using files and information for political propaganda and commercial purposes.

Operacija "Drznik". Pripadnici SS-divizije "Skenderbeg", sa krpama na glavi umesto vojnih kapa, poziraju za fotografiju na Čakoru. Većina albanskih dobrovoljaca nije bila ljubitelj vojničke discipline i urednog oblačenja – o čemu je svedočanstvo ostavio i njihov komandant divizije, SS-oberfirer Šmidhuber (citat iz sumarnog izveštaja o formiranju i stanju divizije oktobra 1944. godine): "Što se tiče odeće, instruktori su [sa Albancima] često imali istih problema kao i sa crncima. Većina domaćih regruta prvi put je u životu imala cipele na nogama. Na to su bili veoma ponosni i nisu ih skidali ni noću. S druge strane, kada moraju duže marširati, cipele odmah skidaju i prebacuju ih preko ramena. Međutim, kada Albanac počne da beži, on se odmah odriče svoje ljubavi prema cipelama i baca ih, ne bi li trčao brže bos. Navikavanje na uredno oblačenje, ukoliko je uopšte izvodljivo, izuzetno je dostignuće u Albaniji."

Tekst: Ivan Ž. / August Šmidhuber.

Fotograf: Ernst A. Cviling, Vazduhoplovni ratnodopisnički bataljon Jugoistok.
Datum: jul 1944.
Mesto: prevoj Čakor (srez Andrijevički), Jugoslavija.
Originalni natpis: nepoznat.

Izvor fajla: "Ligne de Front" 40 (str. 10).

NIJE DOZVOLJENO: uklanjanje naziva izvora sa fajlova – korišćenje teksta bez navođenja izvornog autora – korišćenje fajlova i informacija u političko-propagandne i komercijalne svrhe.