17 January 2016

0127 | Photo | Oflag XIII B

Oflag XIII B. Yugoslav officers' funeral. Among the deceased is Divisional General Dušan Trifunović – the former commander of the Yugoslav 7th Army, Minister of the Army and Navy, favourite of King Alexander I, adjutant to King Peter I, and one of the officers responsible for the Serbian victory in the Battle of Cer, 1914. The general was the 29th officer who died in this camp (in a period less than one year), and was buried with another three officers. In the photo, the camp commandant, Lieutenant Colonel Ludwig von Imhof, salutes the Yugoslav officers; in the background is the German honorary platoon, which will escort the deceased with a three-volley salute. The speeches were held by two Yugoslav generals and the German commandant – who said the following (a quote from the book "Between the Army and Politics" by M. Bjelajac and P. Trifunović): "It is my duty to depart from your deceased comrades on the behalf of the German armed forces. It is easy for me to understand your emotions when leaving a comrade far from the native soil. Your comrades who faced death won't rest here as enemies, because death equalises both sides. At their graves were laid wreaths with ribbons and signs of the swastika – the symbol of our sun and hope for a better future. I am confident that the time will come when the two of our nations will cooperate in peace, side by side. I wish for the dead an eternal glory and to rest in peace." Then he saluted the graves. After the war, General Trifunović was "honoured" by the new authorities in Yugoslavia with the status of war criminal (after an appeal by the family, the decision was eventually withdrawn – however, without a public announcement).

Text: Ivan Ž.

Photographer: unknown.
Date: 7 March 1942.
Location: Nuremberg, Germany.
Original caption: unknown.

File source: Mile Bjelajac, Predrag Trifunović, "Između vojske i politike" (p. 270/271).

NOT ALLOWED: removing source credits from the files – using text without crediting the original author – using files and information for political propaganda and commercial purposes.

Oflag XIII B. Sahrana jugoslovenskih oficira. Među preminulima je i divizijski general Dušan Trifunović – bivši komandant jugoslovenske 7. armije, ministar vojske i mornarice, miljenik Kralja Aleksandra I, ađutant Kralja Petra I, i jedan od oficira zaslužnih za srpsku pobedu u Cerskoj bici, 1914. General je bio 29. oficir koji je preminuo u ovom logoru (u periodu manjem od godinu dana), i sahranjen je sa još tri oficira. Na slici, komandant logora, potpukovnik Ludvig fon Imhof, pozdravlja jugoslovenske oficire; u pozadini stoji nemački počasni vod, koji će ispratiti pokojnike počasnim plotunom. Govore su održala dva jugoslovenska generala i nemački komandant – koji je rekao sledeće (citat iz knjige "Između vojske i politike" M. Bjelajca i P. Trifunovića): "[Moja je dužnost] da se u ime nemačke oružane sile oprostim od vaših počivših drugova. Lako mi je razumeti [vaša osećanja] kada ostavljate svog druga daleko od rodne grude. Vaši drugovi koje je snašla smrt [ovde neće počivati] kao neprijatelji, jer smrt izjednačuje obe strane. Na njihove grobove položeni su venci sa trakama i znacima kukastog krsta – simbola našeg sunca i nade u bolju budućnost. Uveren sam da će [doći] vreme kada će naša dva naroda sarađivati u miru, jedan pored drugog. Želim mrtvima večan mir i pokoj." Potom je salutirao grobovima. Posle rata, generala Trifunovića je nova vlast u Jugoslaviji "počastvovala" statusom ratnog zločinca (nakon žalbe porodice, odluka je vremenom ipak ukinuta, ali bez javne objave).

Tekst: Ivan Ž.

Fotograf: nepoznat.
Datum: 7. mart 1942.
Mesto: Nirnberg, Nemačka.
Originalni natpis: nepoznat.

Izvor fajla: Mile Bjelajac, Predrag Trifunović, "Između vojske i politike" (str. 270/271).

NIJE DOZVOLJENO: uklanjanje naziva izvora sa fajlova – korišćenje teksta bez navođenja izvornog autora – korišćenje fajlova i informacija u političko-propagandne i komercijalne svrhe.