29 February 2016

0138 | Photo | 114. Jäger-Division

The commander of the 114th Jäger Division, Lieutenant General Karl Eglseer (third from the left), and the bishop of Šibenik, Dr Jeronim Mileta (third from the right), walking around the famous Cathedral of St. Jakob (from the 15th century) in Šibenik. The photograph was published in the German wartime magazine "Signal", in a propaganda report about the meeting of the two leaders (military and religious) and the fight against communism; the original text reads: "Bishop's gratitude. A Croatian church dignitary realises the danger of Bolshevism. Monsignor Jeronim Mileta is a Catholic bishop of the former Dalmatian naval port of Šibenik, a city which also has an industrial significance, and which, after Split, is the most important trading place in central Dalmatia. During the meeting with the commander of a Jäger division, a Knight's Cross holder, Lieutenant General Eglseer, the bishop, who had been the supreme spiritual leader of his district for nearly three decades, emphasised that he, as a Catholic priest and a good Croat, welcomes the struggle led by the German army against the global threat of Bolshevism. The bishop thanked the German general for the exceptional aid that the army provides to the Church by liberating the areas infected with the gangs." A year and a half later, in his speech on the occasion of the formation of the People's Government of Croatia, the bishop also thanked the (quote) "brave fighters of the People's Liberation Army with their glorious leader, People's Hero, Marshal Josip Broz Tito", and blessed the new, communist state.

Text: Ivan Ž. / Signal.

Photographer: Gruber.
Date: autumn 1943.
Location: Šibenik, Yugoslavia.
Original caption: unknown.

File source: Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe, 2-16159.

NOT ALLOWED: removing source credits from the files – using text without crediting the original author – using files and information for political propaganda and commercial purposes.

Komandant 114. lovačke divizije, general-poručnik Karl Eglzer (treći sleva), i biskup šibenski, dr Jeronim Mileta (treći zdesna), u šetnji oko čuvene katedrale Sv. Jakova (iz XV veka) u Šibeniku. Fotografija je objavljena u nemačkom ratnom časopisu "Signal", u propagandnoj reportaži o sastanku dvojice vođa (vojnog i verskog) i borbi protiv komunizma; originalni tekst: "Zahvalnost biskupa. Jedan hrvatski crkveni velikodostojnik shvata opasnost boljševizma. Monsinjor Jeronim Mileta je katolički biskup bivše dalmatinske ratne luke Šibenika, grada koji ima takođe i industrijski značaj, i koji je pored Splita najvažnije trgovačko mesto srednje Dalmacije. Prilikom sastanka sa komandantom jedne lovačke divizije, nosiocem Viteškog krsta, general-poručnikom Eglzerom, naglasio je biskup, koji je skoro tri decenije vrhovni duhovni vođa svoga sreza, kako on kao katolički sveštenik i dobar Hrvat pozdravlja borbu koju vodi nemačka vojska protiv svetske opasnosti boljševizma. Biskup je zahvalio nemačkom generalu za posebnu pomoć koju pruža vojska Crkvi oslobađanjem područja zaraženih bandama." Godinu i po dana kasnije, u govoru povodom formiranja Narodne vlade Hrvatske, biskup je zahvalio i (citat) "hrabrim borcima Narodnooslobodilačke vojske sa svojim proslavljenim vođom, narodnim herojem, maršalom Josipom Brozom Titom", i blagoslovio novu, komunističku državu.

Tekst: Ivan Ž. / Signal.

Fotograf: Gruber.
Datum: jesen 1943.
Mesto: Šibenik, Jugoslavija.
Originalni natpis: nepoznat.

Izvor fajla: Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe, 2-16159.

NIJE DOZVOLJENO: uklanjanje naziva izvora sa fajlova – korišćenje teksta bez navođenja izvornog autora – korišćenje fajlova i informacija u političko-propagandne i komercijalne svrhe.