Operation 25. With great effort, and the help of his comrades, a motorcyclist of the Reconnaissance Battalion, SS Bodyguard "Adolf Hitler", pushes his machine (BMW R 61) through the deep mud of Macedonia. This striking image from the Balkan Campaign, which was originally published in the "Illustrated Observer" (Illustrierter Beobachter) dated 24 April 1941, was also published the following year in the form of a postcard, in a series enitled "Our Waffen-SS" (Unsere Waffen-SS, made up of 60 selected photographs of military formations of the SS). However, since the Balkan Campaign had been long completed, and the muddy terrain was characteristic of the (more important) Eastern Front, the postcard was accompanied by a false (and sarcastic) description: "Soviet road." Thanks to the popularity of propaganda postcards, the image remained known as a shot from the Eastern Front; in October 1960, it appeared on the cover of the Waffen-SS veterans' magazine "The Volunteer" (Der Freiwillige), captioned: "19 years ago: 'road' in Russia."
Text: Ivan Ž.
Photographer: Franz Roth, SS War Correspondent Company.
Date: April 1941.
Location: unknown, Yugoslavia.
Original caption: unknown.
Sources: Military Tour, P-65; "Wir waren wieder mal schneller!", Illustrierter Beobachter, München, 24.04.1941, vol. XVI, no 17, p. 498; Der Freiwillige, Osnabrück, Oct. 1960, vol. V, no 10, p. 1; "BMW R 61", Kfz. der Wehrmacht. (Photo restoration: Ivan Ž.)
NOT ALLOWED: removing source credits from the files; using text without crediting the original author; using files and information for political propaganda and commercial purposes.
Operacija 25. Uz teške muke, i pomoć drugova, motociklista izviđačkog bataljona Telesne garde SS-a "Adolf Hitler" gura svoju mašinu (BMW R 61) kroz duboko blato u Makedoniji. Ova upečatljiva slika iz pohoda na Balkan, koja je izvorno objavljena u "Ilustrovanom osmatraču" (Illustrierter Beobachter) od 24. aprila 1941, objavljena je naredne godine i u vidu razglednice, u seriji nazvanoj "Naše SS-trupe" (Unsere Waffen-SS, sačinjenoj od 60 odabranih fotografija vojnih formacija SS-a). Međutim, kako je pohod na Balkan već uveliko bio završen, a blatnjav teren bio karakterističan za (bitniji) Istočni front, razglednicu je pratio lažan (i sarkastičan) opis: "Sovjetski drum." Zahvaljujući popularnosti propagandnih razglednica, slika je i ostala poznata kao snimak sa Istočnog fronta; oktobra 1960. godine, osvanula je na naslovnoj strani časopisa veterana SS-trupa zvanog "Dobrovoljac" (Der Freiwillige), uz natpis: "Pre 19 godina: 'drum' u Rusiji."
Tekst: Ivan Ž.
Fotograf: Franc Rot, Ratnodopisnička četa SS-a.
Datum: april 1941.
Mesto: nepoznato, Jugoslavija.
Originalni natpis: nepoznat.
Izvori: Military Tour, P-65; "Wir waren wieder mal schneller!", Illustrierter Beobachter, München, 24.04.1941, god. XVI, br. 17, str. 498; Der Freiwillige, Osnabrück, okt. 1960, god. V, br. 10, str. 1; "BMW R 61", Kfz. der Wehrmacht. (Foto-restauracija: Ivan Ž.)
NIJE DOZVOLJENO: uklanjanje naziva izvora sa fajlova; korišćenje teksta bez navođenja izvornog autora; korišćenje fajlova i informacija u političko-propagandne i komercijalne svrhe.