14 March 2019

0430 | Photo | Populace

Persecution of the Jews in Dalmatia. One of the first measures that the SS Division "Prinz Eugen" implemented upon arriving on the Dalmatian coast after the capitulation of Italy was the persecution of the Jewish population. In the city of Split, there was a proclamation issued already on the second day of the German occupation, calling on all Jews to report to the German command by noon, or they would be hanged. The SS men managed to arrest 110 Split Jews, whom they deported to the Zemun camp two weeks later – where their traces vanished. (When Yugoslavia was occupied, Split fell into the hands of the Italians, who opposed the persecution of the Jewish people. Pressured by the Germans, they did eventually intern the Jews in nearby camps, but did not deport them. After Italy capitulated, and before the German troops arrived, most of the citizens and refugees of Jewish origin managed to save their lives by fleeing to the Partisans, or their territories.) A propaganda photo report was also made, on a handful of arrested Jews, entitled "Ulcers on Europe's body". Its author was Dutchman Hugo Kemps, an SS war correspondent attached to the "Prinz Eugen" Division, who described the arrestees as insidious criminals from all over the world, who, having occupied the key economic positions, created chaos and terrorised the Croatian population. The poor pictured woman was one of the arrested Jews; the young Dutchman described her as devious and greedy, and noted that the culprits, that is, the arrestees, were given a just punishment.

Text: Ivan Ž.

Photographer: Hugo Kemps, SS War Correspondent Battalion.
Date: September 1943.
Location: Split, Yugoslavia.
Original caption: "Ulcers on Europe's body. Wherever our soldiers are led on their campaigns, it is the Jew in whom they face the most bitter and insidious enemy. Holding the key economic positions, they use their power and influence on the host to organise resistance, sabotages and raids on our soldiers. When Split was captured, Jews from all over the world fell into the hands of grenadiers of the Waffen-SS. Prior to the entry of the German troops, they terrorised the nationalist Croatian population. The culprits were given a just punishment. Devious and greedy-looking is this Jewess from Split."

Sources: NIOD, via Beeldbank WO2, 164629; Cegesoma, 65329; Miroslav Ćurin (ed.), Kronologija Splita 1941–1945, Institut za historiju radničkog pokreta Dalmacije, Split, 1979, p. 271; "Split", Jewish Virtual Library. (Photo restoration: Ivan Ž.)

NOT ALLOWED: removing source credits from the files; using text without crediting the original author; using files and information for political propaganda and commercial purposes.

Progon Jevreja u Dalmaciji. Jedna od prvih mera koje je SS-divizija "Princ Ojgen" preduzela po dolasku na dalmatinsku obalu nakon kapitulacije Italije bila je progon jevrejskog stanovništva. U gradu Splitu već je drugog dana nemačke okupacije izdat proglas kojim su svi Jevreji pozvani da se do podneva prijave nemačkoj komandi, ili će biti obešeni. Esesovci su uspeli da uhapse 110 splitskih Jevreja, koje su dve nedelje kasnije deportovali u zemunski logor – odakle im se gubi svaki trag. (Split je prilikom okupacije Jugoslavije pripao Italijanima, koji su se protivili progonu jevrejskog naroda. Oni jesu vremenom, pod pritiskom Nemaca, Jevreje pozatvarali u okolne logore, ali ih nisu deportovali. Posle kapitulacije Italije, a pre dolaska nemačkih trupa, većina građana i izbeglica jevrejskog porekla uspela je da spase glavu, bekstvom u partizane, ili na njihove teritorije.) Ovom prilikom je napravljena i propagandna foto-reportaža, o nekolicini uhapšenih Jevreja, pod nazivom "Čirevi na telu Evrope". Njen je autor bio Holanđanin Hugo Kemps, ratni dopisnik SS-a priključen diviziji "Princ Ojgen", koji je uhapšenike opisao kao podmukle zlikovce iz čitavog sveta, koji su, zauzevši ključne ekonomske pozicije, stvarali haos i terorisali hrvatsko stanovništvo. Sirota žena na slici jedna je od uhapšenih Jevreja; mladi Holanđanin ju je opisao kao prepredenu i pohlepnu, napomenuvši da je krivcima, odnosno uhapšenicima, izrečena pravedna kazna.

Tekst: Ivan Ž.

Fotograf: Hugo Kemps, Ratnodopisnički bataljon SS-a.
Datum: septembar 1943.
Mesto: Split, Jugoslavija.
Originalni natpis: "Čirevi na telu Evrope. Gde god da naše vojnike odvedu pohodi, oni u Jevrejinu sreću najogorčenijeg i najpodmuklijeg neprijatelja. Sedeći na ključnim ekonomskim pozicijama, on koristi svoju moć i uticaj na domaćina da organizuje otpor, sabotaže i prepade na naše vojnike. Prilikom zauzimanja Splita, grenadirima SS-trupa pali su u ruke Jevreji iz čitavog sveta. Pre ulaska nemačkih trupa, oni su terorisali nacionalističko hrvatsko stanovništvo. Krivcima je izrečena pravedna kazna. Prepredeno i pohlepno deluje ova Jevrejka iz Splita."

Izvori: NIOD, via Beeldbank WO2, 164629; Cegesoma, 65329; Miroslav Ćurin (ured.), Kronologija Splita 1941–1945, Institut za historiju radničkog pokreta Dalmacije, Split, 1979, str. 271; "Split", Jewish Virtual Library. (Foto-restauracija: Ivan Ž.)

NIJE DOZVOLJENO: uklanjanje naziva izvora sa fajlova; korišćenje teksta bez navođenja izvornog autora; korišćenje fajlova i informacija u političko-propagandne i komercijalne svrhe.