01 December 2016

0199 | Photo | Kroatische SS-Freiwilligen-Gebirgs-Division

SS-Obergruppenführer Phleps visits the Croatian SS Division. The commander of the V SS Mountain Corps, SS-Obergruppenführer Artur Phleps (centre), inspects the 2nd regiment's II battalion on the Larzac (standing on the left is the battalion commander, SS-Sturmbannführer Egon Zill, and on the right there is the regimental commander, SS-Obersturmbannführer Franz Matheis). The corps commander was (seemingly) satisfied with the division's progress; however, after the mutiny, which broke out just a couple of weeks after his departure, the experienced general wrote in his diary that "there was a squad of Titoists infiltrated into every unit in the division".

Text: Ivan Ž.

Photographer: unknown, Croatian SS Volunteer Mountain Division.
Date: 1 September 1943.
Location: Larzac (district of Millau), France.
Original caption: unknown.

File source: Bundesarchiv, RS 3-13/2, 86/12/9 / Yad Vashem, 1797/59.

NOT ALLOWED: removing source credits from the files – using text without crediting the original author – using files and information for political propaganda and commercial purposes.

SS-obergrupenfirer Fleps u poseti Hrvatskoj SS-diviziji. Komandant V brdskog SS-korpusa, SS-obergrupenfirer Artur Fleps (sredina), u inspekciji II bataljona 2. puka na Larzaku (levo stoji komandant bataljona, SS-šturmbanfirer Egon Cil, a desno komandant puka, SS-oberšturmbanfirer Franc Matajs). Komandant korpusa je bio (naizgled) zadovoljan napredovanjem nove SS-divizije; međutim, posle pobune, koja je izbila samo par nedelja po njegovom odlasku, iskusni general je u svom dnevniku zapisao da je "u svaku jedinicu u diviziji bio ubačen po jedan titoistički odred".

Tekst: Ivan Ž.

Fotograf: nepoznat, Hrvatska dobrovoljačka brdska SS-divizija.
Datum: 1. septembar 1943.
Mesto: Larzak (okrug Mijo), Francuska.
Originalni natpis: nepoznat.

Izvor fajla: Bundesarchiv, RS 3-13/2, 86/12/9 / Yad Vashem, 1797/59.

NIJE DOZVOLJENO: uklanjanje naziva izvora sa fajlova – korišćenje teksta bez navođenja izvornog autora – korišćenje fajlova i informacija u političko-propagandne i komercijalne svrhe.