26 August 2018

0359 | Photo | 342. Infanterie-Division

Operation "Mačva". In September 1941, the German 342nd Infantry Division was sent from France to Serbia, with the task of putting-down, with ruthless measures, the flaming Chetnik-Partisan uprising in the Mačva and Cer area, and creating a terrifying example for the entire population. The first operations that the division conducted upon its arrival in the country were the evacuation of Šabac, the mopping-up of the Sava–Drina bend (Operation "Mačva") and the mopping-up of the Cer mountain (Operation "Cer Mountain"). At the beginning of the operations, the commanding general, former Austro-Hungarian officer Franz Böhme, ordered his subordinate commanders: "Your task is to cruise the land where streams of German blood flowed in 1914 due to the treachery of Serbs, men and women. You are the avengers of those dead. A terrifying example must be created for the entire Serbia, which must severely hit the entire population. Anyone who acts gently endangers the lives of his comrades. He will be held responsible, regardless of personality, and placed before a court-martial." (Böhme was actually induced to issue an order for mopping-up the area by Dr Harald Turner, a privy councillor and an SS-Brigadeführer, who wrote him the following: "My personal opinion is that a full evacuation in the area west of Šabac, in the Sava–Drina bend, should be carried out. Because, according to the reports and data that I have, which match, the greater part of the male population of this region is grouped into gangs and belongs to Mihailović's gangs located to the south, in the Cer mountain. Children and women act as messengers, and they also take care of supplies. Therefore, the entire population must be punished, not just men.") A week after the operations began, the division commander, Lieutenant General Dr Hinghofer, reported to the commanding general: "During the evacuation of Šabac and the mopping-up of the Sava–Drina bend, the division had three men killed and 20 wounded. On the opposite side, 830 people were killed and 8400 arrestees were interned." Pictured, troops of the 342nd Infantry Division pass through a village in Mačva, next to a lawn covered with Serbian corpses.

Text: Ivan Ž.

Photographer: unknown.
Date: September/October 1941.
Location: unknown, Yugoslavia.
Original caption: no caption.

File source: eBay / miro-antik2012.

NOT ALLOWED: removing source credits from the files – using text without crediting the original author – using files and information for political propaganda and commercial purposes.

Operacija "Mačva". Septembra 1941. godine, u Srbiju je iz Francuske poslata nemačka 342. pešadijska divizija, sa zadatkom da bezobzirnim merama uguši rasplamsani četničko-partizanski ustanak na području Mačve i Cera, i stvori zastrašujući primer za celokupno stanovništvo. Prve akcije koje je po dolasku u zemlju divizija sprovela bile su evakuacija Šapca, čišćenje luka Sava–Drina (operacija "Mačva") i čišćenje planine Cera (operacija "Planina Cer"). Na početku operacija, komandujući general, bivši austrougarski oficir Franc Beme, podređenim komandantima je naredio: "Vaš je zadatak da prokrstarite zemljom u kojoj se 1914. potocima lila nemačka krv usled podmuklosti Srba, muškaraca i žena. Vi ste osvetnici tih mrtvih. Za celu Srbiju ima se stvoriti zastrašujući primer, koji mora najteže pogoditi celokupno stanovništvo. Svaki koji blago postupa greši o živote svojih drugova. On će biti pozvan na odgovornost, bez obzira na ličnost, i stavljen pod ratni sud." (Bemea je na izdavanje naredbe za čišćenje područja zapravo podstakao dr Harald Turner, državni savetnik i SS-brigadefirer, napisavši mu sledeće: "Moje je lično mišljenje da bi trebalo izvršiti potpunu evakuaciju u prostoru zapadno od Šapca, u luku između Save i Drine. Stoga što je, prema izveštajima i podacima kojim raspolažem, a koji se slažu, veći deo muškog stanovništva ovog kraja grupisan u bande i pripada Mihailovićevim bandama koje se nalaze južnije, u planini Ceru. Deca i žene održavaju vezu, a staraju se i o snabdevanju. Prema tome, mora iskusiti kaznu celokupno stanovništvo, a ne samo muškarci.") Nedelju dana nakon početka operacija, komandant divizije, general-poručnik dr Hinghofer, raportirao je komandujućem generalu: "Prilikom evakuacije Šapca i čišćenja luka Sava–Drina divizija je imala tri poginula i 20 ranjenih. Na drugoj strani ubijeno je 830 ljudi i odvedeno 8400 uhapšenih." Na slici, trupe 342. pešadijske divizije prolaze kroz jedno selo u Mačvi, pored travnjaka posutog srpskim leševima.

Tekst: Ivan Ž.

Fotograf: nepoznat.
Datum: septembar/oktobar 1941.
Mesto: nepoznato, Jugoslavija.
Originalni natpis: bez natpisa.

Izvor fajla: eBay / miro-antik2012.

NIJE DOZVOLJENO: uklanjanje naziva izvora sa fajlova – korišćenje teksta bez navođenja izvornog autora – korišćenje fajlova i informacija u političko-propagandne i komercijalne svrhe.