31 October 2019

0449 | Photo | Narodnooslobodilačka vojska Jugoslavije

Operation "Black". A scared boy Partisan in the hands of the SS Division "Prinz Eugen". This 11-year-old Gypsy was captured by members of the division's 1st regiment in the area of Donje Bare – Stoca (near Tjentište, district of Foča), near the end of the operation. The SS men took the kid along, having tied his hands behind his back, and later they fed him as well. His further destiny is unknown. (One of the boy's pictures was published after the war in the book "Forward, Prinz Eugen!" by former division commander Otto Kumm, as an example of the diversity of Partisan forces, alluding, as usual, to their irregularity.)

Text: Ivan Ž.

Photographer: Hugo Kemps, SS War Correspondent Battalion.
Date: 13 June 1943.
Location: unknown (district of Foča), Yugoslavia.
Original caption: unknown.

Sources: National Archives, 242-JRP-41-21-11A; Otto Kumm, Vorwärts, Prinz Eugen! Geschichte der 7. SS-Freiwilligen-Division "Prinz Eugen", Winkelried-Verlag, Dresden, 2007, p. 130/131; Otto Kumm, Prinz Eugen – The History of the 7th SS Mountain Division "Prinz Eugen" (trans. Joseph Welsh), J. J. Fedorowicz Publishing Inc., Winnipeg, 1995, pp. 304–305. (Photo restoration: Ivan Ž.)

NOT ALLOWED: removing source credits from the files; using text without crediting the original author; using files and information for political propaganda and commercial purposes.

Operacija "Crno". Uplašeni dečak-partizan u rukama SS-divizije "Princ Ojgen". Ovo jedanaestogodišnje Ciganče zarobili su pripadnici 1. puka divizije u rejonu Donje Bare – Stoca (blizu Tjentišta, srez Fočanski), pred kraj operacije. Esesovci su mališana poveli sa sobom, vezavši mu ruke iza leđa, a kasnije su ga i nahranili. Njegova dalja sudbina nije poznata. (Jednu od dečakovih slika objavio je posle rata u knjizi "Napred, Princ Ojgen!" bivši komandant divizije Oto Kum, kao primer šarolikosti partizanskih snaga, aludirajući, po običaju, na njihovu neregularnost.)

Tekst: Ivan Ž.

Fotograf: Hugo Kemps, Ratnodopisnički bataljon SS-a.
Datum: 13. jun 1943.
Mesto: nepoznato (srez Fočanski), Jugoslavija.
Originalni natpis: nepoznat.

Izvori: National Archives, 242-JRP-41-21-11A; Otto Kumm, Vorwärts, Prinz Eugen! Geschichte der 7. SS-Freiwilligen-Division "Prinz Eugen", Winkelried-Verlag, Dresden, 2007, str. 130/131; Otto Kumm, Prinz Eugen – The History of the 7th SS Mountain Division "Prinz Eugen" (prev. Joseph Welsh), J. J. Fedorowicz Publishing Inc., Winnipeg, 1995, str. 304–305. (Foto-restauracija: Ivan Ž.)

NIJE DOZVOLJENO: uklanjanje naziva izvora sa fajlova; korišćenje teksta bez navođenja izvornog autora; korišćenje fajlova i informacija u političko-propagandne i komercijalne svrhe.