30 October 2016

0194 | Photo | Reserve-Jäger-Regiment 1

Operation "Dunkirk". Members of the 1st Reserve Jäger Regiment posing on their motorcycle with sidecar (Zündapp KS 750) looking at a Partisan deserter (a member of either the VIII Kordun or the XXXIV Croatian Division), in the Žumberak area. Sitting on the front seat of the motorcycle is one of the company commanders, Lieutenant Richter. Unlike most Partisans captured at the same time previous year, who were mostly wearing military rags and civilian clothes, this captive wears a full military uniform – a gift of the British army. The photograph is also a fine illustration of some of the impressions written in the German corps command report on experiences from this (failed) operation: "During Operation 'Dunkirk', confronting our units were no longer bandit groups of lower or higher combat value, as always before, but troops whom the term 'bandit gangs' no longer fits, which should rather be called 'resistance troops', since they fought back, were well led and were well and sufficiently armed. [...] [The enemy were] opponents who should be taken completely seriously. As for the combat morale, they were certainly no match for our units."

Text: Ivan Ž.

Photographer: unknown.
Date: June 1944.
Location: unknown, Yugoslavia.
Original caption: "Action on Žumberak. Lieutenant Richter, company commander."

File source: eBay / buymuc.

NOT ALLOWED: removing source credits from the files – using text without crediting the original author – using files and information for political propaganda and commercial purposes.

Operacija "Denkerk". Pripadnici 1. rezervnog lovačkog puka poziraju na motoru s prikolicom (Cindap KS 750) posmatrajući partizanskog dezertera (pripadnika ili VIII kordunaške ili XXXIV hrvatske divizije), u rejonu Žumberka. Na prednjem sedištu motora sedi komandir jedne od četa, poručnik Rihter. Za razliku od većine partizana zarobljavanih u isto vreme prethodne godine, koji su najčešće bili u vojničkim ritama i civilu, ovaj zarobljenik nosi punu vojnu uniformu – poklon britanske vojske. Fotografija je i dobra ilustracija nekih od utisaka zapisanih u izveštaju komande nemačkog korpusa o iskustvima iz ove (neuspele) operacije: "Za vreme operacije 'Denkerk', našim jedinicama nisu se više, kao uvek do sada, suprotstavljale grupe bandi sa manjom ili većom borbenom vrednošću, već trupe kojima više ne odgovara izraz 'bande', koje bi se pre morale zvati 'ustaničke trupe', pošto su prihvatile borbu, vojnički su dobro vođene i raspolažu dobrim i dovoljnim naoružanjem. [...] [Neprijatelj je bio] protivnik koga treba potpuno ozbiljno shvatiti. Što se tiče borbenog morala, svakako nije dorastao našim jedinicama."

Tekst: Ivan Ž.

Fotograf: nepoznat.
Datum: jun 1944.
Mesto: nepoznato, Jugoslavija.
Originalni natpis: "Akcija na Žumberku. Poručnik Rihter, komandir čete."

Izvor fajla: eBay / buymuc.

NIJE DOZVOLJENO: uklanjanje naziva izvora sa fajlova – korišćenje teksta bez navođenja izvornog autora – korišćenje fajlova i informacija u političko-propagandne i komercijalne svrhe.