An obituary for Josef Wenger, a member of the III Battalion, 749th Regiment, 717th Infantry Division, killed during the fighting against the Chetniks and Partisans between 14 and 16 October 1941, near Gornji Milanovac. In retaliation for the resistance attack and capture of the 6th Company, 920th Territorial Protection Battalion (29 September), on 14 October, the III Battalion of the 749th Infantry Regiment was sent from Kragujevac to Gornji Milanovac, with the task of taking hostages and burning the city down. After two days of fighting and the successful completion of the task, the battalion returned to its garrison with 133 hostages, suffering losses of 10 dead and 26 wounded. In retaliation for their losses, acting on the orders of 10 October according to which 100 hostages were to be shot for every German soldier killed and 50 for every wounded one, between 19 and 21 October in Kragujevac and the nearby villages, Germans (officially) shot 2300 male civilians, children included (more people were shot, but the exact number has never been established with certainty). One of the 10 killed Germans, for whom (at least) 1000 citizens of Kragujevac were murdered, was Josef Wenger, a railway worker by profession, born in Gurten in Upper Austria. His obituary reads: "In the Christian memory of Mr Josef Wenger, a railway worker in Wels, a private of a pursuit unit, who was severely wounded on 14 October 1941 in Serbia and, on 15 October 1941, at the age of 23, died a hero's death for the Führer, nation and fatherland."
Text: Ivan Ž.
File source: eBay / latinaschreck.
NOT ALLOWED: removing source credits from the files – using text without crediting the original author – using files and information for political propaganda and commercial purposes.
Osmrtnica za Jozefa Vengera, pripadnika III bataljona 749. puka 717. pešadijske divizije, poginulog u borbama protiv četnika i partizana između 14. i 16. oktobra 1941. godine, u okolini Gornjeg Milanovca. U cilju odmazde za ustanički napad i zarobljavanje 6. čete 920. bataljona za zaštitu teritorije (29. septembra), 14. oktobra je iz Kragujevca u Gornji Milanovac poslat III bataljon 749. pešadijskog puka, sa zadatkom da pohvata taoce i spali grad. Posle dvodnevnih borbi i uspešno obavljenog zadatka, bataljon se vratio u svoj garnizon sa 133 taoca, pretrpevši gubitke od 10 poginulih i 26 ranjenih. U cilju odmazde za pretrpljene gubitke, postupajući po naređenju od 10. oktobra da se za svakog poginulog Nemca ima ubiti 100, a za ranjenog 50 talaca, Nemci su u Kragujevcu i okolnim selima između 19. i 21. oktobra streljali (zvanično) 2300 civila muškog pola, među kojima je bilo i dece (streljano je više ljudi, ali tačna brojka nikada nije sa sigurnošću utvrđena). Jedan od 10 poginulih Nemaca, zbog kojih je ubijeno (najmanje) 1000 Kragujevčana, bio je Jozef Venger, po struci železničar, rodom iz Gurtena u Gornjoj Austriji. Na njegovoj osmrtnici piše: "U hrišćanski spomen na g. Jozefa Vengera, železničara u Velsu, redova jedne poterne jedinice, koji je 14. oktobra 1941. u Srbiji teško ranjen i 15. oktobra 1941. u 23. godini života umro junačkom smrću za firera, narod i otadžbinu."
Tekst: Ivan Ž.
Izvor fajla: eBay / latinaschreck.
NIJE DOZVOLJENO: uklanjanje naziva izvora sa fajlova – korišćenje teksta bez navođenja izvornog autora – korišćenje fajlova i informacija u političko-propagandne i komercijalne svrhe.