Operations "Forest Noise" and "Jajce". German commandos, members of Unit Böckl, "Brandenburg" Division (among whom there is an Asian volunteer), examine captured weapons in Jajce, mocking the outdated enemy rifles, after an unsuccessful attempt to destroy the Partisan Supreme Headquarters. During Operation "Jajce", the special unit of Lieutenant Fritz Böckl (a corrupt alcoholic, debauchee and sadist) was subordinated to the 92nd Grenadier Regiment, which also consisted of commandos, the so-called "Brandenburgers". Apart from failing to fulfill their primary task, these "special" troops also caused serious political damage, during their advance (from Banja Luka) to Jajce, with their reckless behaviour towards civilians; a quote from a report by the Croatian authorities to the German mission in Zagreb: "The behaviour of the troops [of Motorised Regiment] 92 towards the population during their advance to Jajce politically very unwise. Looting, taking food and animal slaughter in unbelievable proportions. This happened due to the troops not being sufficiently instructed on how to properly treat the population. Our cooperation with the Serbs and Chetniks seriously disrupted. There is a deep indignation against our troops among the population..." (Note: Both units also took part in the next, also unsuccessful, attempt to destroy the Partisan Supreme Headquarters – Operation "Knight's Move"; the corrupt Böckl was in the meantime dismissed, and his former unit was named after the new commander, Major Benesch.)
Text: Ivan Ž.
Photographer: Grah, 693rd Propaganda Company.
Date: 9 January 1944.
Location: Jajce, Yugoslavia.
Original caption: unknown.
File source: "Die Wehrmacht" 4/8 (p. 23).
NOT ALLOWED: removing source credits from the files – using text without crediting the original author – using files and information for political propaganda and commercial purposes.
Operacije "Huk šume" i "Jajce". Nemački komandosi, pripadnici Jedinice Bekl Divizije "Brandenburg" (među kojima je i jedan kosooki dobrovoljac), pregledaju zaplenjeno naoružanje u Jajcu, podsmevajući se zastarelim neprijateljskim puškama, nakon neuspelog pokušaja uništenja partizanskog Vrhovnog štaba. Za vreme operacije "Jajce", specijalna jedinica poručnika Frica Bekla (korumpiranog alkoholičara, razvratnika i sadiste) bila je potčinjena 92. grenadirskom puku, takođe sastavljenom od komandosa, tzv. "Brandenburžana". Osim što nisu ispunile svoj primarni zadatak, ove "specijalne" trupe napravile su i ozbiljnu političku štetu, tokom nastupanja (od Banje Luke) ka Jajcu, bezobzirnim ponašanjem prema civilima; citat iz izveštaja hrvatskih vlasti nemačkom poslanstvu u Zagrebu: "Ponašanje prema stanovništvu trupe [motorizovanog puka] 92 prilikom nastupanja ka Jajcu politički vrlo nerazborito. Pljačka, odnošenje životnih namirnica i klanje stoke u neslućenim razmjerama. Razlog za ovo je nedovoljno obavještenje trupa o pravilnom postupanju sa stanovništvom. Naša saradnja sa Srbima i četnicima teško poremećena. Vlada veliko ogorčenje stanovništva protiv naših trupa..." (Napomena: obe jedinice su učestvovale i u sledećem, takođe neuspelom, pokušaju uništenja partizanskog Vrhovnog štaba – operaciji "Potez skakačem"; korumpirani Bekl je u međuvremenu smenjen, a njegova bivša jedinica je nazvana po novom komandantu, majoru Benešu.)
Tekst: Ivan Ž.
Fotograf: Grah, 693. propagandna četa.
Datum: 9. januar 1944.
Mesto: Jajce, Jugoslavija.
Originalni natpis: nepoznat.
Izvor fajla: "Die Wehrmacht" 4/8 (str. 23).
NIJE DOZVOLJENO: uklanjanje naziva izvora sa fajlova – korišćenje teksta bez navođenja izvornog autora – korišćenje fajlova i informacija u političko-propagandne i komercijalne svrhe.