08 December 2018

0401 | Photo | SS-Freiwilligen-Division "Prinz Eugen"

Reichsführer-SS visits the SS Division "Prinz Eugen". SS-Gruppenführer August Meyszner, SS and Police Commander in Serbia, greets the solemn guest at dinner. Sitting at the table, from left to right, are: SS-Standartenführer Dr Emanuel Schäfer, chief of the Security Police in Serbia (the man who cleansed Serbia from Jews), Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler (one of the creators of the Holocaust), SS-Standartenführer Stefan Hedrich, infantry commander and deputy division commander, and SS-Standartenführer Martin Konradt, commander of the division's artillery regiment; with their backs turned: SS-Gruppenführer Artur Phleps, division commander (whose troops five days earlier committed the massacre of civilians in the village of Kriva Reka), SS-Obergruppenführer Karl Wolff, chief of the Personal Staff of the Reichsführer-SS, and SS-Obersturmbannführer Otto Bayer, chief of the division's political department. On the wall in the background there is a portrait of Prince Eugene (Eugen) of Savoy, whose 279th birthday the division would be celebrating the next day in the company of the Reichsführer. (Himmler visited the "Prinz Eugen" Division along the way, while returning from Italy. He stayed in Serbia for less than 20 hours. He used this occasion to boost the morale of the newly-formed division with his presence and words, and to promote some of the officers. Among others, the Reichsführer promoted Richard Kaaserer, whose battalion committed the massacre in Kriva Reka.)

Text: Ivan Ž.

Photographer: Homann, SS War Correspondent Battalion.
Date: 17 October 1942.
Location: unknown, Yugoslavia.
Original caption: unknown.

Sources: National Archives, 242-JRP-34-27-3A; Otto Kumm, Vorwärts, Prinz Eugen! Geschichte der 7. SS-Freiwilligen-Division "Prinz Eugen", Winkelried-Verlag, Dresden, 2007, pp. 41–42, 52; Walter Manoschek, Holokaust u Srbiji – Vojna okupaciona politika i uništavanje Jevreja 1941–1942 (trans. Agnes Eremija et al.), Službeni list SRJ, Draslar partner, Beograd, 2007, p. 185; Miodrag Đ. Zečević, Jovan P. Popović (eds.), Dokumenti iz istorije Jugoslavije – Državna komisija za utvrđivanje zločina okupatora i njihovih pomagača iz Drugog svetskog rata, Arhiv Jugoslavije, Printer Komerc, Beograd, 2000, vol. IV, pp. 180–182; Peter Longerich, Heinrich Himmler (trans. Jeremy Noakes, Lesley Sharpe), Oxford University Press, 2012, p. 612; David Irving, The Himmler Decodes, 2007, p. 11; Eckhart G. Franz, "Wolff, Karl", Stadtlexikon Darmstadt; Max Braubach, "Eugen, Prinz von Savoyen", Deutsche Biographie. (Photo restoration: Ivan Ž.)

NOT ALLOWED: removing source credits from the files; using text without crediting the original author; using files and information for political propaganda and commercial purposes.

Rajhsfirer SS-a u poseti SS-diviziji "Princ Ojgen". SS-grupenfirer August Majsner, komandant SS-a i policije u Srbiji, pozdravlja svečanog gosta za večerom. Sleva nadesno, za trpezom sede: SS-štandartenfirer dr Emanuel Šefer, šef policije bezbednosti u Srbiji (čovek koji je očistio Srbiju od Jevreja), rajhsfirer SS-a Hajnrih Himler (jedan od tvoraca holokausta), SS-štandartenfirer Štefan Hedrih, komandant pešadije i zamenik komandanta divizije, i SS-štandartenfirer Martin Konrat, komandant artiljerijskog puka divizije; okrenuti leđima: SS-grupenfirer Artur Fleps, komandant divizije (čije su trupe pet dana ranije izvršile pokolj civila u selu Krivoj Reci), SS-obergrupenfirer Karl Volf, načelnik Ličnog štaba rajhsfirera SS-a, i SS-oberšturmbanfirer Oto Bajer, načelnik političkog odeljenja divizije. Na zidu u pozadini stoji portret princa Evgenija (Ojgena) Savojskog, čiji će 279. rođendan divizija sutradan proslaviti u društvu svog rajhsfirera. (Himler je diviziju "Princ Ojgen" posetio usput, pri povratku iz Italije. U Srbiji se zadržao nepunih 20 časova. Ovu priliku je iskoristio da svojim prisustvom i rečima podigne moral novoformiranoj diviziji, i unapredi neke od njenih oficira. Između ostalih, rajhsfirer je unapredio i Riharda Kazerera, čiji je bataljon izvršio pokolj u Krivoj Reci.)

Tekst: Ivan Ž.

Fotograf: Homan, Ratnodopisnički bataljon SS-a.
Datum: 17. oktobar 1942.
Mesto: nepoznato, Jugoslavija.
Originalni natpis: nepoznat.

Izvori: National Archives, 242-JRP-34-27-3A; Otto Kumm, Vorwärts, Prinz Eugen! Geschichte der 7. SS-Freiwilligen-Division "Prinz Eugen", Winkelried-Verlag, Dresden, 2007, str. 41–42, 52; Walter Manoschek, Holokaust u Srbiji – Vojna okupaciona politika i uništavanje Jevreja 1941–1942 (prev. Agnes Eremija et al.), Službeni list SRJ, Draslar partner, Beograd, 2007, str. 185; Miodrag Đ. Zečević, Jovan P. Popović (prir.), Dokumenti iz istorije Jugoslavije – Državna komisija za utvrđivanje zločina okupatora i njihovih pomagača iz Drugog svetskog rata, Arhiv Jugoslavije, Printer Komerc, Beograd, 2000, tom IV, str. 180–182; Peter Longerich, Heinrich Himmler (prev. Jeremy Noakes, Lesley Sharpe), Oxford University Press, 2012, str. 612; David Irving, The Himmler Decodes, 2007, str. 11; Eckhart G. Franz, "Wolff, Karl", Stadtlexikon Darmstadt; Max Braubach, "Eugen, Prinz von Savoyen", Deutsche Biographie. (Foto-restauracija: Ivan Ž.)

NIJE DOZVOLJENO: uklanjanje naziva izvora sa fajlova; korišćenje teksta bez navođenja izvornog autora; korišćenje fajlova i informacija u političko-propagandne i komercijalne svrhe.