12 March 2016

0143 | Film | 13. SS-Freiwilligen b. h. Gebirgs-Division (Kroatien)

Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler visits a newly-formed volunteer division. A film report on the first visit of the Reichsführer-SS to the 13th SS Division in Neuhammer, released in "The German Weekly Review" no 692 (the text was spoken by Walter Tappe, who was replacing the ill Harry Giese). It was Himmler's custom to visit his newly-formed units, boost the morale of men with his presence as well as with words, and generally to maintain the spirit of unity within his organisation (SS). He visited the Bosnian-Herzegovinian division twice, both times during the training in Neuhammer, on 21 November 1943 and on 11–12 January 1944. Knowing whom he was dealing with, i.e. for tendencies of SS officers from Germany to have an attitude towards their comrades from other countries and nations, and even to harass them – Himmler (addressing the division's officers) noted: "There is to be no difference between a German from the Reich, a Bosnian, Croat, or a German from the south-east. We wear the same tunic, the same belt buckle, and the same national emblem. We have sworn the same oath to the same leader, and battle against the same enemy." He advised them to have patience with the Bosnians and said that he was convinced (and that history would prove him right) that only this division could restore order in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The report shows inspections of the 28th regiment, anti-tank battalion and artillery regiment – and the following (in)famous people: the division commander Karl-Gustav Sauberzweig (a war criminal, committed suicide after the war to escape trial), former commander of the SS Cavalry Division, Hermann Fegelein (a war criminal, executed at the end of the war as a deserter), SS surgeon and Himmler's personal physician, Dr Karl Gebhardt (a war criminal, executed after the war for cruel experiments on camp prisoners); also seen for a moment in the crowd is Egon Zill, commander of the II battalion, 28th regiment, and former commandant of the Natzweiler and Flossenbürg concentration camps (a war criminal, symbolically sentenced in Germany after the war to several years in prison; died later of natural causes). Heinrich Himmler, one of the greatest criminals in the history of mankind, saw the end of the war as everyone's enemy; Hitler declared him a traitor, and the Allies hunted him for his war crimes. He committed suicide, shortly after his capture.

Text: Ivan Ž.

Cameraman: unknown, SS Regiment "Kurt Eggers".
Date: 21 November 1943.
Location: Neuhammer am Queis (district of Sprottau), Germany.
Original text: "Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler visits a newly-formed volunteer division. The soldiers of this division are Muslims from Europe's south-east. They also receive the good basic training of the German armed forces. The artillerymen of the division at gun drills."

File source: Die Deutsche Wochenschau, 08.12.1943.

NOT ALLOWED: removing source credits from the files – using text without crediting the original author – using files and information for political propaganda and commercial purposes.

Rajhsfirer SS-a Hajnrih Himler u poseti novoformiranoj dobrovoljačkoj diviziji. Filmska reportaža o prvoj poseti rajhsfirera SS-a 13. SS-diviziji u Nojhameru, objavljena u "Nemačkom nedeljnom pregledu" br. 692 (tekst izgovara Valter Tape, koji je zamenjivao bolesnog Harija Gizea). Himler je imao običaj da obilazi svoje novoformirane jedinice, podiže moral ljudstvu i prisustvom i rečima, i uopšte da održava duh zajedništva unutar svoje organizacije (SS-a). Bosansko-hercegovačku diviziju je posetio dva puta, oba tokom obuke u Nojhameru, 21. novembra 1943. i 11–12. januara 1944. Znajući s kim ima posla, odnosno za težnje SS-oficira iz Nemačke da svoje drugove iz ostalih zemalja i naroda posmatraju sa visine, pa čak i maltretiraju – Himler je (obraćajući se oficirima divizije) napomenuo: "Ne sme se praviti razlika između Nemca iz Rajha, Bosanca, Hrvata, ili Nemca sa jugoistoka. Nosimo istu uniformu, istu kopču na kaišu, i isti nacionalni simbol. Položili smo istu zakletvu istom vođi, i borimo se protiv istog neprijatelja." Savetovao im je da imaju strpljenja sa Bosancima i izjavio da je ubeđen (i da će istorija pokazati da je bio u pravu) da jedino ova divizija može uspostaviti red u Bosni i Hercegovini. U reportaži je prikazana inspekcija 28. puka, protivtenkovskog diviziona i artiljerijskog puka – i sledeće (po zlu) poznate ličnosti: komandant divizije Karl-Gustav Zaubercvajg (ratni zločinac, posle rata izvršio samoubistvo da bi izbegao suđenje), bivši komandant Konjičke SS-divizije Herman Fegelajn (ratni zločinac, pogubljen pred kraj rata kao dezerter), SS-hirurg i Himlerov lični lekar, dr Karl Gebhart (ratni zločinac, posle rata pogubljen zbog surovih eksperimenata na logorašima); na trenutak se u gužvi vidi i Egon Cil, komandant II bataljona 28. puka, i bivši komandant koncentracionih logora Nacvajler i Flosenbirg (ratni zločinac, posle rata u Nemačkoj simbolično osuđen na nekoliko godina robije; umro kasnije prirodnom smrću). Hajnrih Himler, jedan od najvećih zločinaca u istoriji čovečanstva, kraj rata je dočekao kao neprijatelj svih; Hitler ga je proglasio za izdajnika, a Saveznici lovili zbog ratnih zločina. Izvršio je samoubistvo, ubrzo po zarobljavanju.

Tekst: Ivan Ž.

Snimatelj: nepoznat, SS-puk "Kurt Egers".
Datum: 21. novembar 1943.
Mesto: Nojhamer na Kvisi (okrug Šprotau), Nemačka.
Originalni tekst: "Rajhsfirer SS-a Hajnrih Himler u poseti novoformiranoj dobrovoljačkoj diviziji. Vojnici ove divizije su muslimani sa jugoistoka Evrope. I oni dobijaju dobru osnovnu obuku nemačkih oružanih snaga. Artiljerci divizije vežbaju rukovanje topom."

Izvor fajla: Die Deutsche Wochenschau, 08.12.1943.

NIJE DOZVOLJENO: uklanjanje naziva izvora sa fajlova – korišćenje teksta bez navođenja izvornog autora – korišćenje fajlova i informacija u političko-propagandne i komercijalne svrhe.