17 November 2015

0106 | Photo | Einsatzgruppe Jugoslawien

Uniform of the Yugoslav king. Members of Special Detachment Hintze (Gestapo) and the Army examine the uniform of King Peter II of Yugoslavia, which they found in the Ostrog monastery during the arrest of Serbian Patriarch Gavrilo. According to the patriarch, the "Germans were so pleased and happy, as if they had solved the biggest problem in the world; their noisy voices strangely echoed in the silence of the monastery". The photograph was soon published in the "Berlin Illustrated Newspaper", along with a propaganda text about the king as a traitor of his people, and also, at the end of the year, in the book "Tanks in the Balkans" – as a concluding illustration of the collapse of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. (In the postwar Yugoslavia, the photo was forgotten; only the one from Drvar, showing seized Tito's uniform, was published.)

Text: Ivan Ž.

Photographer: Albert Otto, 691st Propaganda Company.
Date: 25 April 1941.
Location: Ostrog (district of Danilovgrad), Yugoslavia.
Original caption: "Serbian state treasure in a rocky eyrie. Among other finds, there is also a uniform of King Peter, who left behind in his hasty flight large amounts of luggage and a state treasure of 375 million dinars."

File source: Nationaal Archief, SFA022804408.

NOT ALLOWED: removing source credits from the files – using text without crediting the original author – using files and information for political propaganda and commercial purposes.

Uniforma jugoslovenskog kralja. Pripadnici Specijalnog odreda Hince (Gestapo) i vojske pregledaju uniformu kralja Petra II Karađorđevića, koju su pronašli u manastiru Ostrogu prilikom hapšenja patrijarha srpskog Gavrila. Prema patrijarhovim rečima, "Nemci su bili tako zadovoljni i srećni, kao da su rešili najveći problem sveta; njihov drekavi glas čudno je odjekivao u manastirskoj tišini". Fotografija je ubrzo objavljena u "Berlinskim ilustrovanim novinama", uz propagandni tekst o kralju kao izdajniku svoga naroda, a krajem godine i u knjizi "Tenkovi na Balkanu" – kao zaključna ilustracija sloma Kraljevine Jugoslavije. (U posleratnoj Jugoslaviji ova slika je zaboravljena; objavljivana je samo ona iz Drvara, sa zaplenjenom Titovom uniformom.)

Tekst: Ivan Ž.

Fotograf: Albert Oto, 691. propagandna četa.
Datum: 25. april 1941.
Mesto: Ostrog (srez Danilovgradski), Jugoslavija.
Originalni natpis: "Srpsko državno blago u kamenom gnezdu. Između ostalog pronađena je i uniforma kralja Petra, koji je u žurnom begu za sobom ostavio velike količine prtljaga i državno blago od 375 miliona dinara."

Izvor fajla: Nationaal Archief, SFA022804408.

NIJE DOZVOLJENO: uklanjanje naziva izvora sa fajlova – korišćenje teksta bez navođenja izvornog autora – korišćenje fajlova i informacija u političko-propagandne i komercijalne svrhe.