Operation "Black". Starving Partisans and a couple of elderly civilians (the persons whose hands were not tied), captured by the SS Division "Prinz Eugen" (the guard is visible in the upper right corner). In the picture, only one person is wearing a visible five-pointed star; such cases (of not wearing the obligatory insignia), which were one of the main German arguments for the use of the term "gang" for a Partisan unit, were a matter of discussion at the trial of the former Commander-in-Chief South-East, Colonel General Löhr (a quote from the book "Gallows for the Generals" by Jovo Popović): "Löhr denied the fact that the Partisans fulfilled the regulations of the Hague Convention: 'They were, almost without an exception, dressed as civilians, and didn't have a fixed distinctive sign. But we draw no conclusions from that.' [The presiding judge, Dr Gučetić:] 'The Hague Convention allows civilian clothing. But with a visible fixed distinctive sign. The Partisans, each and every one, wore a five-pointed star.' [Löhr:] 'Not during minor actions.'" Both Löhr and Gučetić were telling the truth – and lying too. It is only natural that the people who fight and live in the wilderness do not always have the opportunity to produce and sew on the insignia, and this should not have been denied after the war, but explained instead; and Löhr, as a representative of the army which (among other monstrosities) issued and repeatedly executed the order for the murder of 100 civilians for one killed soldier, had no rights in the first place to refer to the regulations of the Hague Convention, nor to point fingers at anyone but himself.
Text: Ivan Ž.
Photographer: Beinhauer, SS Volunteer Division "Prinz Eugen".
Date: 14 June 1943.
Date: 14 June 1943.
Location: unknown, Yugoslavia.
Original caption: "Half-starved, dirty and ragged, these bandits fell into our hands."
File source: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 69865.
NOT ALLOWED: removing source credits from the files – using text without crediting the original author – using files and information for political propaganda and commercial purposes.
Operacija "Crno". Izgladneli partizani i nekoliko starijih civila (osobe kojima nisu vezane ruke), zarobljeni od strane SS-divizije "Princ Ojgen" (stražar se vidi u gornjem desnom uglu). Na slici, samo jedna osoba nosi vidljivu petokraku; o ovakvim slučajevima (nenošenja obaveznih oznaka), koji su bili jedan od glavnih nemačkih argumenata za korišćenje termina "banda" za partizanske jedinice, povela se rasprava i na suđenju bivšem komandantu Jugoistoka, general-pukovniku Leru (citat iz knjige "Vješala za generale" Jova Popovića): "Ler je poricao činjenicu da su partizani ispunjavali propise Haške konvencije: 'Bili su, gotovo bez izuzetaka, u civilu, i nisu imali zajedničku oznaku. Ali iz toga nismo izvodili zaključke.' [Predsednik veća, dr Gučetić:] 'Civilna odijela Haška konvencija dopušta. Samo mora postojati vidljiva zajednička oznaka. Partizani su, svi od reda, nosili petokraku.' [Ler:] 'Ne kod manjih akcija.'" I Ler i Gučetić su govorili istinu – a i lagali. Sasvim je prirodno da ljudi koji se bore i žive u divljini nisu bili uvek u prilici da prave i prišivaju oznake, i to nije trebalo poricati posle rata, već objasniti; a Ler, kao predstavnik vojske koja je (pored ostalih monstruoznosti) izdala i sprovodila naređenje o streljanju 100 civila za jednog ubijenog vojnika, prvenstveno nije ni imao prava da se poziva na propise Haške konvencije, niti da upire prstom u bilo koga osim u samog sebe.
Tekst: Ivan Ž.
Fotograf: Bajnhauer, Dobrovoljačka SS-divizija "Princ Ojgen".
Datum: 14. jun 1943.
Datum: 14. jun 1943.
Mesto: nepoznato, Jugoslavija.
Originalni natpis: "Izgladneli, prljavi i dronjavi padoše ovi banditi u naše ruke."
Izvor fajla: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 69865.
NIJE DOZVOLJENO: uklanjanje naziva izvora sa fajlova – korišćenje teksta bez navođenja izvornog autora – korišćenje fajlova i informacija u političko-propagandne i komercijalne svrhe.