07 September 2017

0255 | Photo | 13. SS-Freiwilligen b. h. Gebirgs-Division (Kroatien)

SS-Gruppenführer von Herff visits the 13th SS Division. The chief of the SS Personnel Office, SS-Gruppenführer Maximilian von Herff (on the right, in greatcoat), inspects the division's reconnaissance battalion in Neuhammer (standing on the left, in a leather overcoat, is SS-Brigadeführer Karl-Gustav Sauberzweig, division commander). Von Herff was an old, highly decorated officer, a veteran of World War I and a former Freikorps member. Prior to his transfer to the Waffen-SS, he fought under General Rommel in North Africa, as a colonel, and was decorated with the Knight's Cross. He died in British captivity, four months after the end of the war.

Text: Ivan Ž.

Photographer: Tegtmeier, 13th SS Volunteer B. H. Mountain Division (Croatia).
Date: 22 November 1943.
Location: Neuhammer am Queis (district of Sprottau), Germany.
Original caption: "SS-Gruppenführer von Herff's visit to the 13th SS Division. A mortar of the reconnaissance battalion demonstrates its powers to the chief of the SS Personnel Office, Gruppenführer von Herff (pictured on the left is the division commander, Brigadeführer Sauberzweig; behind Herff, there is his adjutant)."

File source: Wehrmacht Awards Forum / Vandewynckel A.

NOT ALLOWED: removing source credits from the files – using text without crediting the original author – using files and information for political propaganda and commercial purposes.

SS-grupenfirer fon Herf u poseti 13. SS-diviziji. Načelnik Kadrovskog odeljenja SS-a, SS-grupenfirer Maksimilijan fon Herf (desno, u šinjelu), u inspekciji izviđačkog bataljona divizije u Nojhameru (levo, u kožnom mantilu, stoji SS-brigadefirer Karl-Gustav Zaubercvajg, komandant divizije). Fon Herf je bio stari, visokoodlikovani oficir, veteran I svetskog rata i bivši pripadnik frajkora. Pre nego što je prebačen u SS-trupe, borio se pod generalom Romelom u severnoj Africi, kao pukovnik, i bio odlikovan Viteškim krstom. Preminuo je u britanskom zarobljeništvu, četiri meseca po završetku rata.

Tekst: Ivan Ž. 

Fotograf: Tegtmajer, 13. dobrovoljačka b. h. brdska SS-divizija (Hrvatska).
Datum: 22. novembar 1943.
Mesto: Nojhamer na Kvisi (okrug Šprotau), Nemačka.
Originalni natpis: "Poseta SS-grupenfirera fon Herfa 13. SS-diviziji. Minobacač izviđačkog bataljona pokazuje svoje moći načelniku Kadrovskog odeljenja SS-a, grupenfireru fon Herfu (levo na slici je komandant divizije, brigadefirer Zaubercvajg; iza Herfa je njegov ađutant)."

Izvor fajla: Wehrmacht Awards Forum / Vandewynckel A.

NIJE DOZVOLJENO: uklanjanje naziva izvora sa fajlova – korišćenje teksta bez navođenja izvornog autora – korišćenje fajlova i informacija u političko-propagandne i komercijalne svrhe.